
ISIPS 2024@Kitakyushu, Japanで発表

ISIPS 2024@Kitakyushu, Japanにおいて2件の発表を行いました.

  • Guanxue Qu, Xiaohan Du, Jianan Xie, and Kenji Hashimoto, “An Estimation Algorithm for Manipulator Grasping Position in Automated Production of Japanese Bento Using LVM and YOLOv10,” Proceedings of the 18th International collaboration Symposium on Information, Production and Systems (ISIPS 2024), C2 (2 pages), Kitakyushu, Japan, November, 2024. (Encouragement Award)
  • Shanshan Wang, Xiaohan Du, Yuyang Gao, and Kenji Hashimoto, “Mapless Navigation System Based on SAC,” Proceedings of the 18th International collaboration Symposium on Information, Production and Systems (ISIPS 2024), P13 (2 pages), Kitakyushu, Japan, November, 2024.